Mar 05, 2024

WE-Spark Health Institute highlights key accomplishments from November 2023 to January 2024 in its Year 5, third quarter report:
- continued to grow the WindsorEssex research ecosystem with a total of 1,153 members;
- increased the number of active users of its RedCap data sharing platform to 311, facilitating 170 research projects, with 24.6K records/participants, and 22 funded projects representing $4.7 million in funding;
- hosted four events and workshops, including its annual Health Research Conference which attracted over 300 participants, more than 100 posters and conferred 18 student awards;
- continued to share member successes in its bi-monthly newsletter;
- prepared for the Feb. 26 launch of the 2024 WE-Spark Igniting Discovery Grants program.
Read the full report here.
WE-Spark quarterly reports communicate outcomes and provide accountability to its members and the Windsor-Essex community. All reports can be found here.
WE-Spark Health Institute is supported by an innovative partnership between the University of Windsor and Erie Shores HealthCare, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, St. Clair College, and Windsor Regional Hospital that brings together health research strengths, expertise, and infrastructure from across the Windsor-Essex region.