Software buy “a game-changer” for local health researchers

Dec 14, 2020

Acquiring a license for a web-based application to build and manage online research projects is a game-changer, says Lisa Porter, executive director of the WE-Spark Health Institute.

The institute purchased Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap), used around the world to support clinical and translational research studies.

“With the number of collaborative, cross-institutional research projects growing across our region, we needed to have shared tools available to all health research stakeholders to enhance collaboration and reduce redundant systems” Dr. Porter says. “REDCap is a game-changer and puts us on the map with other world-class research institutes.”

The app will enable researchers across Windsor-Essex to collect, store, and share de-identified health research data with collaborators under one platform. Its flexibility and customization will allow users to increase the quality of their research data and increase efficiencies in the data lifecycle management.

To be granted a REDCap account, individuals must be members of WE-Spark Health Institute and belong to one of its partner organizations: Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, St. Clair College, University of Windsor, or Windsor Regional Hospital. For more information, click here.

