What does having a Centre of Excellence mean for Windsor-Essex? - Patrick Kolowicz

May 09, 2022


Every year, more than one million people in Ontario experience a mental health and/or addictions challenge requiring care. Often, supports are difficult to find where and when they are needed.(1) Building on our expertise in Mental Health, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) is established as a Centre of Excellence in Mental Health to address these concerns and provide world-class care. The Mental Health & Addictions Services team is dedicated to providing patient- and family-centered care. Having a Centre of Excellence established locally in Windsor-Essex ensures 6 key areas are addressed to achieve this:




To identify and respond to systemic barriers that impact health, and ensure equitable access to health service and supports.



Enhance recovery by improving access to timely, integrated care.



Promote enrichment and growth to enhance staff engagement, promote quality of care and improve patient outcomes.



Collaborate with patients, family, our partners and our community to create a foundation for improving health care quality.



Collaborate with patients, family, our partners and our community to create a foundation for improving health care quality.



Focus on standards of care, data, and patient outcomes and continuous quality improvement to provide the highest value and quality care possible.

In order to grow the Centre of Excellence and remain at the forefront of mental health services, HDGH acknowledges it is vital that patients and families have active roles in care and education. The recent Caring for the Caregiver study is the perfect example of caregivers partnering with researchers to reach this goal, by developing an educational Caring for the Caregiver Conference. From this research project and event, various caregivers who attended the conference are now an integral part of decision-making committees at HDGH. Furthermore, the need for local peer support groups was evident in discussions during the conference, so we will see this service expanded as well. Without patients and families having an active role in education and care, none of this would be possible. 


Related Research/Information:
The joint ‘Caring for the Caregiver Study’ project between Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, University of Windsor and WE-SPARK Health Institute is the brainchild of Clementa Stan, a local caregiver, who saw a need to recognize the important role families, as informal caregivers, play in supporting their loved ones and providing relief to an underfunded mental health and addictions healthcare system. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of caregivers who are providing care to a family member living with mental illness in Windsor-Essex. We also aim to understand the needs of these caregivers to help them care for their ill family member; the information was used to inform the development of the program for the inaugural Caring for the Caregiver Conference.


About the Expert:

Patrick Kolowicz is currently the Director of Mental Health and Addictions at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. Patrick was both an undergraduate and masters nursing student at the University of Windsor. During his masters he focused on both education and research.


1.    https://www.ontariohealth.ca/about-centre-excellence
